Aimee Page



Falling You
B8A28E17-7FD8-4B73-A75C-6C402C963BA4 - Bird in a Cage, photo by Fatimata Vetu

Bird in a Cage, photo by Fatimata Vetu

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Human is the second recorded album for Aimee with Falling You. The track, “A Bird in a Cage was created  in collaboration with wood cut artist and wearable art designer Bridget Mary Henry.

Aimee wearing the Birdcage dress.

One Hundred Years of Solitude and Tribe  were written in New Zealand, while Aimee was living in a warehouse with actors and WETA engineers from the Lord of the Rings, in Wellington....

Aimee Page

Falling You

Falling You

Falling You

Falling You: “Haunting, ethereal pop, Electro-rock, ambient...”  

Aimee has written, recorded and toured with Falling You  for over a decade. From the stages of Tokyo’s largest dark wave festival to Toronto’s club scene.. to performing in aerial circuses and wearable art shows and contributing to film soundtracks.... Their albums are released on Magnatune, Fossil Dungeon, and Projekt.

Aimee at the Rio Theatre